Warhammer: Arcane Magic App Reviews

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A Waste of Money!

This is a poorly designed game that is too hard to beat, and is designed to only drain your wallet of money!


Polished, original, and wildly entertaining. While there is some IAP, there is nothing you need to buy to play. It is really hard though, definitely not for casual gamers.

Boring and slow

The price drop tells you all you need to know. Avoid this clunker and its bad UI, repetitive game play and limited options. They gave me 15000 gold in game and I couldnt be bothered to spend it since theres really no customization.

just kind of lame

Apparently they got rid of the worst pay-to-win elements, but you its still obnoxious to the point that you can have three wizards on your team, but you only start with TWO and have to buy a third or wait until you beat an entire series of missions. The graphics are ugly. The interface is clunky. Worst of all, you have to wander aimlessly around the levels to find treasure chests BUT THE WALKING ANIMATION IS SO SLOW. Plus the spells are kind of boring, and the ones with special effects beyond "do X damage within X range" mention it in tiny text without any proper explanation.

Not working

Screen just goes black after it loads for a while on my iPad Air


Premium game not only with IAP but also Premium Currency. Seriously, healing your characters costs premium currency. Stay away until it goes on sale for a dollar.

Core Game is Pretty Good, But Developers Seriously Need to Retune the Balance

Before I start with my criticisms - Theres a fun game here that will appeal to old school tabletop players. You have dice, luck, Wizards, grids, cards, and some pretty appealing graphics for a game of its kind. I really want to like this game. However, the developers have made some poor and alienating decisions with the game. Its a premium priced game ($10), which in and of itself I dont mind at all. iOS has plenty of deep premium experiences (see X-Com). But there are free to play mechanics all throughout the DNA of this game. At first, I thought they were superficial: hey, another Wizard for $4 - but I get can get another one anyway just by finishing the first 8 stages. But where it takes a dark turn is with the healing/warp stones system. After the first couple of tutorial missions, youll die - a lot. One or two hits from a monster with a lucky dice roll and one of your wizards will die. You use the Warpstones to heal/resurrect your wizard. At first, theyre plentiful enough to make your way through just by finding them in the plunder chests in the levels. But use up all of your Warpstones in a tough mission and have to restart - guess what - the 5 Warpstones you had the first time you attempted the level (and failed) were consumed, so now youre restarting at an even bigger disadvantage. Well, unless you pay real money for more Warpstones. It takes two Warpstones to resurrect a wizard to half health. Then the next turn, the monsters always seem to roll a 5 or 6 and wipe him out again in one hit. Two more Warpstones please. The game is stingy with in game gold. If you fail a mission, you lose all of the gold you accrued - so again, they expect you to restart a level you failed in more of a state of disadvantage than you originally started in. Its a real shame the developers tuned their game this way. I really hope they rethink and rebalance the game, as I think the core of it is pretty good. Its just these free to play elements are at odds with the games premium price point. Developers, if youre listening, Id love to come back soon and give you a higher rating.


This game is clearly designed around IAPs. Seems to be the trend with warhammer games on iOS. Wouldnt be as big a deal if the game wasnt already expensive...just awful

Premium cost, freemium IAP, meh

This is a high-cost game that decided to implement a freemium model for in-game currency and IAP. Yuck. Gameplay itself is OK, but gets repetitive and slow. A game this expensive should give you more for your money.

IAP Gold Is a Deal Breaker

Not the presence of it in general, per se, as I understand some people may not want to grind. But the fact is that grinding is SO unrewarding that it pushes you to practically need to spend on premium currency. This is simply offensive in a premium priced game. The gameplay itself is great. I gave my $10 and might have even paid some more for new cards and units, but as it stands I wont be investing further unless games economy is fixed. Devs: take a page out of Rodeos playbook and how they handled IAP. Dont double-dip like this.

Seriously bad game

This game is just terrible. $10 on a game that requires you to constantly shell out more cash to even keep your characters alive is insulting. Opening a chest that has 4 gold when some spells cost 2,000? Really? Absolutely regret spending my money on this.

Weak game, expensive IAP cash grab!

This is a weak remake of an old game. The mechanics are stale, unimaginative, and highly dependent on luck of dice rolls, not tactics or strategy. There IS a LITTLE fun to be had here but it is mostly ruined by terribly greedy IAP and frequent bugs. For your $10 you get access to 2 acts with 8 levels each. The first two levels are both tutorials meaning you arent even getting 16 levels but only 14. VERY little content for $10 compared to other games currently available in the same genre, and within the same Warhammer universe, for the same or cheaper price. Dont worry though, they might release more tiny increments of content IF you pay extra for them. This game also has 8 playable characters for your three man party. Two of these you begin the game with, a few more can be earned from grinding. The characters which you start with, and can earn by grinding, are generic nameless wizards known only by their classes. They are not unique characters in the world just generic crap. In a world full of lore and vast arrays of personality your premium $10 purchase gets you generic characters to play with. Dont worry though you can get one of the three premium named characters... Which they really push you to buy... Because they are so much better and cooler then the generics. These three good characters, the only good characters, will cost you $4 EACH. So what we have here is a company with 8 characters ready at launch but only 3 are attractive and those three will cost you $12 which is even more then the $10 price. If these issues of limited content, poor mechanics, and expensive IAP that is available at day 1 release but not included in your $10 purchase is not enough convincing to stay away then perhaps the many bugs will convince you to pass. During the first two tutorial levels which you cannot pause or delay, it will guide you by the nose through the levels. If you scroll your map to look around, or by accident, the tutorial will prompt you to move to a location which U.S. Now offscreen. The screen will not allow you move it, however, so you are stuck and can only force quit the app and start over. There is no way to skip the tutorial so you must play two levels of bad quality, with no ability to do anything but follow the directions, and hope that a bug or accidental swipe doesnt lock you out and force you to start over again. I really wanted to like this game. I love turn based strategy, I love board and card games, I love the warhammer setting, and I love premium apps. Its just that greedy IAP, bugs, poor mechanics, and extremely small amounts of content make me regret buying this app. It is a poor attempt at using the Warhammer name and decent graphics/sounds to trick you into dropping $10 on half of a semi-decent game and then lure you into paying $12+ for the other half. Its a shame because with a bit less greed and a bit more attention to making a quality game and this app may have turned out to be something worthwhile.,. Unfortunately its just another cash grab. EDIT: on release this game was 100% pay to win. Due, I assume, to all the negative feedback the developer has removed the ability to buy warpstone for real cash and thus removed the pay to win aspect. It is a single step in the right direction and in appreciation of that fact I have raised my review by one star as seems fair since they did fix a horrible mechanic. With that said... They are still charging a fortune for a weak game and an additional fortune to get all the content which was available day one. Along with the other issues its two star review is still very accurate to what you are getting vs. what they are charging. Gamers beware!

Great fantasy card game!!!

If you are a fan of warhammer lore- this wont dissapoint! Nice maps and quick casual fun - hoping they release more heroes in the near future!


Definitely the best installment of this game. Been a minute since I got into a game on my phone, but this one called me out of my break. Looks incredible and is even more immersive on my iPad. This should keep me company on all my flights for work the next few weeks!


Great setup. Loads of fun. You can play it on you iPhone as good as your tablet. Love it


I have played this game for 2 days now and I love it. I never play games on my phone, but I decided to give it a shot after my friend raved about it. It look great on my screen, and the graphics are great. I love how it is easy to understand yet how challenging it is at the same time. This will make my travels go by so fast!

Fun Warhammer

I was really looking forward to this game, but I was quite dissapointed when it froze during the tutorial. However, as I had paid 10 bucks for it I tried again. I just am really happy I did. This is the first Warhammer digital game I have ever bothered to buy. Being a cosplay girl I love the bordgames for all its beauty and never saw a digital version that looked like it captured the feeling of the board games. Arcane Magic does!!! and I am happy I got it. Minus for the freeze during the tutorial. Also saw the negative reviews after I bought it, about having to spend even more money in the game to finish it, but I see that they have changed that in this version, which is good or else I would have been really upset. I am also wondering why they dont have multiplayer. Hope they will implement this. Its not a slam dunk, but surprisingly close considering a bad first impression.

Rinse, Repeat, Over Priced

Pros: Nice Graphics Cons: This is a .99 cent game masquerading as something more than it is. I was thinking Xcom for the price I paid. This game isnt even close.

Boring and overpriced.

I stopped playing after 4th mission. The narrators voice gets very annoying very quickly

Finally the magic continues

I love the update and have been waiting for months! Very underrated game with true WH feel to it.

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